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Modula Definition | 1998-11-09 | 14.1 KB | 327 lines |
- (*#-- BEGIN AutoRevision header, please do NOT edit!
- *
- * $VER: XpkMasterD.def 1.4 (28.10.1998)
- * Auth: T.B. <tonyiommi@geocities.com>
- *
- * Desc: XPKMaster Defs for xpk 4.25 (27.01.1998) by SDI
- * Reqs: AMIGA OS 2.0
- * Lang: MODULA-2
- * Comp: Cyclone © by M. Timmermans
- *
- *-- END AutoRevision header --*)
- DEFINITION MODULE XpkMasterD; (*$ Implementation- *)
- FROM UtilityD IMPORT tagUser;
- (* --- The packing/unpacking tags --- *)
- (* (TRUE) or (FALSE) mean the default value given by xpkmaster.library *)
- tagBase=tagUser + ORD('X')*256 + ORD('P');
- (* Caller must supply ONE of these to tell Xpk#?ack where to get data from *)
- inName =tagBase+1; (* Process an entire named file *)
- inFH =tagBase+2; (* File handle - start from current position. If packing partial file, must also supply InLen *)
- inBuf =tagBase+3; (* Single unblocked memory buffer. Must also supply InLen *)
- inHook =tagBase+4; (* Call custom Hook to read data. Must also supply InLen, when hook cannot do! (not for XPK unpacking) *)
- (* Caller must supply ONE of these to tell Xpk#?ackFile where to send data to *)
- outName =tagBase+10H; (* Write (or overwrite) this data file *)
- outFH =tagBase+11H; (* File handle - write from current position on *)
- outBuf =tagBase+12H; (* Unblocked buffer - must also supply OutBufLen *)
- getOutBuf =tagBase+13H; (* Master allocates OutBuf - ti_Data points to buf ptr *)
- outHook =tagBase+14H; (* Callback Hook to get output buffers *)
- (* --- Other tags for Pack/Unpack --- *)
- inLen =tagBase+20H; (* Length of data in input buffer *)
- outBufLen =tagBase+21H; (* Length of output buffer *)
- getOutLen =tagBase+22H; (* ti_Data points to long to receive OutLen *)
- getOutBufLen =tagBase+23H; (* ti_Data points to long to receive OutBufLen *)
- password =tagBase+24H; (* Password for de/encoding *)
- getError =tagBase+25H; (* ti_Data points to buffer for error message *)
- outMemType =tagBase+26H; (* Memory type for output buffer *)
- passThru =tagBase+27H; (* Bool: Pass through unrecognized formats on unpack *)
- stepDown =tagBase+28H; (* Bool: Step down pack method if necessary *)
- chunkHook =tagBase+29H; (* Call this Hook between chunks *)
- packMethod =tagBase+2AH; (* Do a FindMethod before packing *)
- chunkSize =tagBase+2BH; (* Chunk size to try to pack with *)
- packMode =tagBase+2CH; (* Packing mode for sublib to use *)
- noClobber =tagBase+2DH; (* Don't overwrite existing files *)
- ignore =tagBase+2EH; (* Skip this tag *)
- taskPri =tagBase+2FH; (* Change priority for (un)packing *)
- fileName =tagBase+30H; (* File name for progress report *)
- shortError =tagBase+31H; (* !!! obsolete !!! *)
- packersQuery =tagBase+32H; (* Query available packers *)
- packerQuery =tagBase+33H; (* Query properties of a packer *)
- modeQuery =tagBase+34H; (* Query properties of packmode *)
- lossyOK =tagBase+35H; (* Lossy packing permitted? (FALSE) *)
- noCRC =tagBase+36H; (* Ignore checksum *)
- (* tags added for xfdmaster support (version 4 revision 25) *)
- key16 =tagBase+37H; (* 16 bit key (unpack only) *)
- key32 =tagBase+38H; (* 32 bit key (unpack only) *)
- (* tag added to support seek (version 5) *)
- needSeek =tagBase+39H; (* turn on Seek function usage *)
- (* preference depending tags added for version 4 - their default value may depend on preferences, see xpk/xpkprefs.h for more info *)
- useXfdMaster =tagBase+40H; (* Use xfdmaster.library (FALSE) *)
- useExternals =tagBase+41H; (* Use packers in extern dir (TRUE) *)
- passRequest =tagBase+42H; (* automatic password req.? (FALSE) *)
- preferences =tagBase+43H; (* use prefs semaphore ? (TRUE) *)
- chunkReport =tagBase+44H; (* automatic chunk report ? (FALSE) *)
- (* tags tagBase+0x50) to tagBase+0x69) are for XpkPassRequest -- see below *)
- margin =256; (* Safety margin for output buffer *)
- (* --- The hook function interface --- *)
- (* Message passed to InHook and OutHook as the ParamPacket *)
- type :LONGINT; (* Read/Write/Alloc/Free/Abort*)
- ptr :ADDRESS; (* The mem area to read from/write to *)
- size :LONGINT; (* The size of the read/write *)
- ioError, (* The IoErr() that occurred *)
- reserved, (* Reserved for future use *)
- private1, (* Hook specific, will be set to 0 by *)
- private2, (* master library before first use *)
- private3,
- private4 :LONGINT;
- END;
- (* The values for XpkIoMsg->Type *)
- ioRead =1;
- ioWrite =2;
- ioFree =3;
- ioAbort =4;
- ioGetbuf =5;
- ioSeek =6;
- ioTotSize=7;
- (* --- The progress report interface --- *)
- (* Passed to ChunkHook as the ParamPacket *)
- ProgressPtr=POINTER TO Progress;
- Progress=RECORD
- type :LONGINT; (* Type of report: start/cont/end/abort *)
- packerName, (* Brief name of packer being used *)
- packerLongName, (* Descriptive name of packer being used *)
- activity, (* Packing/unpacking message *)
- fileName :StrPtr; (* Name of file being processed, if available *)
- cCur, (* Amount of packed data already processed *)
- uCur, (* Amount of unpacked data already processed *)
- uLen, (* Amount of unpacked data in file *)
- cf, (* Compression factor so far *)
- done, (* Percentage done already *)
- speed :LONGINT; (* Bytes per second, from beginning of stream *)
- reserved :ARRAY[1..8] OF LONGINT; (* For future use *)
- END;
- progStart =1;
- progMID =2;
- progEnd =3;
- (* --- The file info block --- *)
- FibPtr = POINTER TO Fib;
- type, (* Unpacked, packed, archive? *)
- uLen, (* Uncompressed length *)
- cLen, (* Compressed length *)
- nLen, (* Next chunk len *)
- uCur, (* Uncompressed bytes so far *)
- cCur, (* Compressed bytes so far *)
- id :LONGINT; (* 4 letter ID of packer *)
- packer :ARRAY[0..4] OF CHAR; (* 4 letter name of packer *)
- subVersion, (* Required sublib version *)
- masVersion :INTEGER; (* Required masterlib version *)
- flags :LONGSET; (* Password *)
- head :ARRAY[0..15] OF SHORTCARD; (* First 16 bytes of orig. file *)
- ratio :LONGINT; (* Compression ratio *)
- reserved :ARRAY[0..7] OF LONGINT; (* For future use *)
- END;
- typeUnpacked =0; (* Not packed *)
- typePacked =1; (* Packed file *)
- typeArchive =2; (* Archive *)
- flagsPassword = 1; (* Password needed *)
- flagsNoSeek = 2; (* Chunks are dependent *)
- flagsNonSTD = 4; (* Nonstandard file format *)
- (* defines added for xfdmaster support (version 4 revision 25) *)
- flagsKey16 = 8; (* 16 bit key - for decrunching *)
- flagsKey32 =16; (* 32 bit key - for decrunching *)
- (* --- The error messages --- *)
- errOK =0;
- errNoFunc =-1; (* This function not implemented *)
- errNoFiles =-2; (* No files allowed for this function *)
- errIoErrIn =-3; (* Input error happened *)
- errIoErrOut =-4; (* Output error happened *)
- errChecksum =-5; (* Check sum test failed *)
- errVersion =-6; (* Packed file's version newer than lib *)
- errNoMem =-7; (* Out of memory *)
- errLibInUse =-8; (* For not-reentrant libraries *)
- errWrongForm =-9; (* Was not packed with this library *)
- errSmallBuf =-10; (* Output buffer too small *)
- errLargeBuf =-11; (* Input buffer too large *)
- errWrongMode =-12; (* This packing mode not supported *)
- errNeedPassWD =-13; (* Password needed for decoding *)
- errCorruptPKD =-14; (* Packed file is corrupt *)
- errMissingLib =-15; (* Required library is missing *)
- errBadParams =-16; (* Caller's TagList was screwed up *)
- errExpansion =-17; (* Would have caused data expansion *)
- errNoMethod =-18; (* Cannot find requested method *)
- errAborted =-19; (* Operation aborted by user *)
- errTruncated =-20; (* Input file is truncated *)
- errWrongCPU =-21; (* Better CPU required for this library *)
- errPacked =-22; (* Data are already XPacked *)
- errNotPacked =-23; (* Data not packed *)
- errFileExists =-24; (* File already exists *)
- errOldMastlib =-25; (* Master library too old *)
- errOldSUBLIB =-26; (* Sub library too old *)
- errNoCrypt =-27; (* Cannot encrypt *)
- errNoInfo =-28; (* Can't get info on that packer *)
- errLossy =-29; (* This compression method is lossy *)
- errNoHardware =-30; (* Compression hardware required *)
- errBadHardware=-31; (* Compression hardware failed *)
- errWrongPW =-32; (* Password was wrong *)
- errUnknown =-33; (* unknown error cause *)
- errReqTimeOut =-34; (* password request reached time out *)
- errMsgSize =80; (* Maximum size of an error message *)
- (* --- The XpkQuery() call --- *)
- PackerInfoPtr=POINTER TO PackerInfo;
- PackerInfo=RECORD
- name :ARRAY[0..23] OF CHAR; (* Brief name of the packer *)
- longName :ARRAY[0..31] OF CHAR; (* Full name of the packer *)
- description :ARRAY[0..79] OF CHAR; (* One line description of packer *)
- flags :LONGSET; (* Defined below *)
- maxChunk :LONGINT; (* Max input chunk size for packing *)
- defChunk :LONGINT; (* Default packing chunk size *)
- defMode :INTEGER; (* Default mode on 0..100 scale *)
- END;
- (* --- Defines for Flags --- *)
- pkChunk =00001H; (* Library supplies chunk packing *)
- pkStream =00002H; (* Library supplies stream packing *)
- pkArchive =00004H; (* Library supplies archive packing *)
- upChunk =00008H; (* Library supplies chunk unpacking *)
- upStream =00010H; (* Library supplies stream unpacking *)
- upArchive =00020H; (* Library supplies archive unpacking *)
- hookio =00080H; (* Uses full Hook I/O *)
- checking =00400H; (* Does its own data checking *)
- prereadhdr=00800H; (* Unpacker pre-reads the next chunkhdr *)
- encryption=02000H; (* Sub library supports encryption *)
- needpasswd=04000H; (* Sub library requires encryption *)
- modes =08000H; (* Sub library has different modes *)
- lossy =10000H; (* Sub library does lossy compression *)
- noSeek =20000H; (* unpacker does not support seeking *)
- ModePtr=POINTER TO Mode;
- next :ModePtr; (* Chain to next descriptor for ModeDesc list *)
- upto, (* Maximum efficiency handled by this mode *)
- flags :LONGSET; (* Defined below *)
- packMemory, (* Extra memory required during packing *)
- unpackMemory, (* Extra memory during unpacking *)
- packSpeed, (* Approx packing speed in K per second *)
- unpackSpeed :LONGINT; (* Approx unpacking speed in K per second *)
- ratio, (* CF in 0.1% *)
- chunkSize :INTEGER; (* Desired chunk size in K (!!) for this mode *)
- description :ARRAY[0..9] OF CHAR; (* 7 character mode description *)
- END;
- (* --- Defines for XpkMode.Flags --- *)
- a3000Speed =1; (* Timings on old environment, obsolete *)
- noCPU =2; (* Packing not heavily CPU dependent *)
- upNoCPU =4; (* Unpacking... (i.e. hardware modes) *)
- MaxPackers =100;
- PackerListPtr=POINTER TO PackerList;
- PackerList=RECORD
- numPackers:LONGINT;
- packer :ARRAY[0..MaxPackers-1],[0..5] OF CHAR;
- END;
- (* --- The XpkSeek() call (library version 5) --- *)
- seekBeginning = -1;
- seekCurrent = 0;
- seekEnd = 1;
- (* --- The XpkPassRequest() call (library version 4) --- *)
- passChars =tagBase+50H; (* which chars should be used *)
- passwordBuf =tagBase+51H; (* buffer to write password to *)
- passBufSize =tagBase+52H; (* size of password buffer *)
- key16BitPtr =tagBase+53H; (* pointer to UWORD var for key data *)
- key32BitPtr =tagBase+54H; (* pointer to ULONG var for key data *)
- pubScreen =tagBase+55H; (* pointer to struct Screen *)
- passTitle =tagBase+56H; (* Text shown in Screen title *)
- timeOut =tagBase+57H; (* Timeout time of requester in seconds *)
- (* request position and verify tags (version 4 revision 25) *)
- passWinLeft =tagBase+58H; (* distance from left screen border *)
- passWinTop =tagBase+59H; (* distance form top screen border *)
- passWinWidth =tagBase+5AH; (* width of requester window *)
- passWinHeight=tagBase+5BH; (* height of requester window *)
- passCenter =tagBase+5CH; (* Left and Top are used as center coords *)
- passVerify =tagBase+5DH; (* force user to verify password *)
- (* XPKPASSFF defines for PassChars. Do not use. Use XPKPASSFLG defines *)
- passFF30x39 =0; (* all numbers *)
- passFF41x46 =1; (* chars 'A' to 'F' *)
- passFF61x66 =2; (* chars 'a' to 'f' *)
- passFF47x5A =4; (* chars 'G' to 'Z' *)
- passFF67x7A =8; (* chars 'g' to 'z' *)
- passFF20 =16; (* space character *)
- passFFSpecial7Bit =32; (* all chars 0x20 to 0x7E without above defined *)
- passFFC0xDE =64; (* upper special chars *)
- passFFDFxFF =128; (* lower special chars *)
- passFFSpecial8Bit =256; (* special 8Bit chars *) (* all chars 0xA0 to 0xBF *)
- (* flags for PassChars, XPKPASSFLG_PRINTABLE is default *)
- (*
- NUMERIC :numbers
- HEXADECIMAL :hex numbers
- ALPHANUMERIC:numbers and letters
- INTALPHANUM :numbers and international letters
- PRINTABLE :all characters
- *)
- passFlgNumeric =passFF30x39;
- passFlgHexadecimal =passFF30x39+passFF41x46+passFF61x66;
- passFlgAlphanumeric =passFlgHexadecimal+passFF47x5A+passFF67x7A;
- passFlgIntAlphanum =passFlgAlphanumeric+passFFC0xDE+passFFDFxFF;
- passFlgASCII7 =passFlgAlphanumeric+passFFSpecial7Bit;
- passsFLGPrintable =passFlgIntAlphanum+passFFSpecial7Bit+passFFSpecial8Bit+passFF20;
- (* The XpkAllocObject() call (library version 4) *)
- (* use this always with library version >= 4, do NO longer allocate the structures yourself *)
- objFIB =0; (* XpkFib structure *)
- objPackerinfo =1; (* XpkPackerInfo structure *)
- objMode =2; (* XpkMode structure *)
- objPackerlist =3; (* XpkPackerList structure *)
- END XpkMasterD.